Monday, July 29, 2013


We love our Franklin Park Zoo pass so we figured we'd head down and see if the animals missed us.  We brought some friends with us this time to introduce them to the animals.
The boys sang happy birthday to Christopher, the lion.

We finally got to see the hippo!!!

The baby gorilla was having a blast putting that green crate on his head!

Mommy giraffe & Baby giraffe

We went into the butterfly house for the first time and there were so many butterflies!!!

This guy really liked Eli's shirt!

He was there for a while!!!

The boys loved this turtle.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Folk Festival 2013

As usual we went out to the Folk Fest to check out what kinds of yumminess we could sample.  We got there a bit late, but still were able to check some fun things out.
The boys check out the train.

Dave munches on his favorite ... grape leaves!

Nate digs in on a shish-ka-bob.

Ben & Nate chow down on their shish-ka-bobs.

Sammy enjoys his as well.

Eli & Dave found the cannoli tent!!!

Eli shows off his muscles.

My little guys and my big guy on the cobblestones in downtown Lowell.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Blueberry Picking

We have a great farm up the road from us (about 15 minutes) that does a ton of Pick Your Own fruits throughout the summer and fall.  We've gone strawberry picking, apple picking, and pumpkin picking, but never blueberry picking.  We figured we'd give it a shot.

We saved our buckets from strawberry picking and used them for blueberry picking....GENIUS!!!  They worked out perfectly.
Dave & Sam


Nate & Sam




That's a lot of blueberries!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Before the kids, Dave and I camped a lot.  We've camped in more states than I can count.  We were even camping when we got engaged.  Eli went camping a few times and then...we had triplets.  That changed a few things, but we finally felt like they were old enough to attempt camping.  We wanted to try it out at a campground close-ish to home that we were familiar with and that had local amenities.
We decided to head to Wells, ME.  It's about an hour and 15 minutes from home.  We know where the restaurants, super market, pharmacy etc all are.  And we've stayed there before. 
The boys had had a rough week health wise so it was a little tricky for me to get packed and Dave didn't get to pack the car ahead of time.  Because of this, we got on the road a bit later than we had hoped.  Oh, and it was still a heat wave...
We arrived in Maine and it was after 7.  I called in a dinner order to Wild Willy's (a yummy burger place).  I dropped Dave and the kids off at the camp site with the tent and I went to get dinner.  Dave had most of the tent up by the time I got back.  The boys were exploring the site and collecting acorns.  We have a Maple tree so they don't see too many acorns.  They were fascinated by them!
I started setting up the screen tent and fed the boys.  They were more interested in exploring than eating, but I still enjoyed my burger!
The tents got set up.  We got unpacked and now it was time for a campfire.  Despite the heat and the late hour, we were unsure of the weather for the following night so we wanted to make sure we got a campfire in.
I stocked up on fun light up sticks (battery operated ones) for the boys and they had a blast!
Screen tent & Sleeping tent
chairs & fire pit
Tired Dada

In the tent with their glow sticks.
They slept in their pea pods.  Like a tent within a tent!


Fire time!


E & N

E & S & D

E & B


Not fans of s'mores

Brushing our teeth!
 Luckily (or unluckily) the bathrooms were basically attached to our campsite.  We didn't have to go far to brush our teeth, use the toilet, or shower.  Some people were pretty good at giving us our privacy and others gawked.  We parked the van in such a way as it was a barrier to the looky-loo's. 

The next morning, we did an easy breakfast and went to the beach.  Ogunquit of course!

Because the tide was going out, we thought we would float the boys down the river to the ocean.  We busted out these floaties that we haven't used in 2 years.  The littles screamed a bit at first, but then had a blast.  We ended up going down the river 4 or 5 times.  My water camera had a little problem on the last trip and sadly it needs to be retired...
Dave had them tied together and he led the pack.



For dinner, we went to Perkin's Cove.  We ate at a lobster shack and the boys didn't use high chairs!!!
Posing by the river

Posing by the ocean

We saw the drawbridge go up...

to let a sailboat into the harbor.

When we got back to the campground, we went for a dip in the pool.

It got a little chilly (finally).

Group shot!

We put up a clothesline and it got filled up quickly!





The boys are learning to start a fire.

Eli's roasting his mama a marshmallow!
The next morning we had to pack everything up and put it in the van.  It took forever!  It took close to 3 hours.  Mostly because Dave had to do everything on his own and I had to entertain the kids.  I did have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep them occupied for a bit, but not quite enough tricks...




Acorn hunt!
After we were all packed up, we went to York's Wild Animal Kingdom.  We hadn't been in 2 years.

These prairie dogs cracked me up!

Checking out the alligators.

All done!
Waiting for the trolley.

Yay!  Trolley ride to the car!

Ben & Dada

Super fun trip! 
Super exhausting trip!